Hyper Masculinity
In todays society boys are taught to be a "tough guy" or to be the "man in the relationship". This won't necessarily mean that they will feel inclined to sexually assault a woman but if they are more anti social they will tend to seek more manly values. This would include seeking a sexual relationship or more like a sexual experience. If they can't do this by the more correct attempt of flattering a girl, it could be done by force. One thing that seems to help is the fact that most boys get the "talk" when they are in school which will stick with most students but some don't care enough to worry. Those that forget about it obviously don't care as much about consent as they should. Some of these boys could end up having ideas that women are just there to please their sexual desires. Another reason for possible sexual assault is learning through the media such as pornography. Boys who watch a lot of pornography have this idea in their head that women are kind of like a possession. They will build up a lot of unrealistic ideas about sex in their head and the only way to fulfill those fantasies is through a forceful sexual relationship. Men are taught to be dominant males because the social idea is to have a male who can defend themselves and often end up being more muscular. Those who do not fit these qualities may end up being more forceful than others.
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